Grilled Carrot Dogs

Memorial Day is coming up next week and summer is right around the corner. Ah summer, the time for picnics, camping, barbecues, and food cooked on the grill. Food like corn and veggies….and hot dogs. 

True confession time

Okay, I admit that I love the taste of hot dogs. Yeah, those juicy, salty, delicious, indescribable meat tubes (sounds appetizing, doesn’t it…ha,ha)  😳 cooked on a stick over a campfire or on the grill.  However, they aren’t exactly plant-based . . . They aren’t exactly good for you . . . .​ And after you eat them, you don’t feel so good either . . . .

When I first made the switch to a plant-based diet, I tried to find a vegan hot dog replacement. I tried a couple brands, which had just about as many ingredients listed as the real thing and were full of way too much fat. Plus, I found that none of them really tasted anything like a hot dog.

That was until I discovered Carrot Dogs!  Yes, you heard me – hot dogs made from carrots!  Yep, this is one of the weirdest plant-based food swaps out there. But, take my word for it, these things are really tasty! Inside of a bun with lots of ketchup, mustard, and pickle relish or covered with sauerkraut or chili, you won’t believe you’re not eating a ‘real’ hot dog! The big bonus is you have complete control over the ingredients.

Let’s make some carrot dogs!

Click here for the complete Grilled Carrot Recipe

Step One: Find some large, thick carrots – similar in circumference to a hot dog.

Step Two: Cut off the ends so the carrots are the length of a hot dog bun.

Then using a peeler, round the ends your carrots to resemble the shape of hot dogs.

Step Three: Prepare the marinade
Click here for the complete Grilled Carrot Recipe

Step Four: Place the carrots in a sauce pan and pour the marinade over to cover. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes (depending on the size of your carrots)* until you can easily poke the carrot with a fork. Stir occasionally to be sure the carrots are fully immersed in the marinade.

*Don’t overcook or your carrots will fall apart and will be mushy. They key is to cook them long enough so they aren’t crunchy, but just the right amount of time so they are still a bit firm.

Step Five: Time to grill the dogs! You can do this in a skillet on the stove or on the grill. I have attempted to cook them over a fire too and it works, just be careful not to break your carrot dog with the stick. Whatever grilling method you choose, turn them often and cook until they are slightly charred and resemble ‘real’ hot dogs.

Another option (recommended) is to place them in the marinade in a flat dish or ziploc bag to marinate further in the refrigerator. Doing this isn’t required, but it makes them taste even better. You can also make them ahead of time so they’re ready to grill when company arrives. 

Step Six: Dress your carrot dogs and dig in! Suggested toppings: ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, sauerkraut, or chili. Serve with green leafy vegetables, baked beans, pasta salad, etc.

**Note – don’t throw away the cut-off ends or the peelings. You can make broth with them or just eat them. This time around, I’m saving the ends for my grandkids to feed the horses in the field next to our house. And I added the peelings to a pasta salad! 🙂

Click here for the complete Grilled Carrot Recipe

So, what do you think? Will you give carrot dogs a try? If you do, please let me know what you think! 🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕

Thank you for sharing! 💚

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