Vitamin B12 on a Plant-Based Diet

What is Vitamin B12, why do we need it, and where does it come from? Let’s take a look at this important vitamin to find out ways to get it when you eat a plant-based diet. WHAT IS VITAMIN B12? Vitamin B12 (also known as cobalamin) is one of the eight essential nutrients that help …

Time Savers

When you first start eating a plant-based diet, it can feel a bit overwhelming with all the preparations. During my plant-based journey, I’ve discovered some great time-savers for those busy days or when I just don’t feel like doing a lot of prep-work.  Here are some of my favorite short cuts to cooking yummy, plant-based …

Make Your Own Vegetable Broth

When a recipe calls for vegetable broth, you have quite a lot of options for which type to use. I keep a variety of veggie broths in my cupboard or refrigerator, including broth in a carton, bouillon cubes and broth base.  While it’s very convenient having those available for quick use, you have no control …

Gadgets and Gizmos – Vitamix

One of my absolute favorite gadgets is my Vitamix Blender.  This blender is super powerful, highly rated by consumer reports and a favorite of thousands, probably millions of users. It is a bit pricey, but well worth it! WHY A VITAMIX?  A Vitamix is not just any old blender. How many times have you tried to …

Label Reading 101

Reading food labels is an important part of eating a whole food plant-based diet. You can discover a lot about exactly what you are putting into your body and make an educated decision on whether or not to consume certain foods. If you are serious about adopting this lifestyle, then it is a must to …

Real Life Inspiration – Rena’s Story

PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY ANSWER: My name is Rena and I am 29 years old with two children; a son who is eight and a daughter who is three. I am married to a very supportive man who sticks by me being vegan. He is still a little confused on “how …

Plant-based lunchbox ideas for kids (and adults)

It’s that time of year–school has started again! For those of you with kids, that means packing lunches every day. While you want your child to eat healthy foods in their school lunch, sometimes it’s challenging to come up with good options. So, I thought it would be nice to share some healthier, plant-based options …

What the heck is “Nooch”?

WHAT EXACTLY IS “NOOCH”? Nooch is the nickname for Nutritional Yeast which is a very popular staple in most plant-based kitchens.  It has the amazing ability to make foods have a cheesy, nutty, savory, umami flavor.  Humans, in addition to being able to taste salty, sweet, bitter and sour, can taste umami (also known as …

Bulk Cooking – Beans, beans, the musical fruit!

Beans are a great source of protein and fiber.  Cooking dried beans is simple, saves money and they taste so much better (garbanzo beans are especially yummy cooked from dry)!  There are so many varieties – thousands of different legumes out there and they are eaten as a staple food all over the world.  When …

What do you mean, no oil?

  Is eating oil healthy or not?  This is a controversial topic and the information out there can be conflicting and confusing. As I continue to do research on this life style (articles, books, video, webinars, films), I see more and more information about why people should be eating a diet of whole plant-based foods. …