Are a Plant-Based Diet and Veganism the same thing?

I’m glad you asked!  😊

The easy answer is no. Plant-based and vegan are similar in some ways, but completely different in others.  When I first started eating plant-based foods, I called myself a vegan.  It was mostly because people had heard of the word “vegan” and had a general idea of what it meant, so it was easier than having to explain every single time.  And I also didn’t worry so much about not using vegan substitutes for ‘real’ meats, cheeses, and desserts.  That is until I started re-gaining weight I had lost!  Then I realized there IS a difference.

noun – a person who does not eat or use animal products.

The word Vegan refers to a person who because of their personal beliefs, does not consume any animal products (meat, fish, poultry, dairy, honey, gelatin).  They also do not use any products made from animals (leather, clothing, make-up) or anything tested on animals.

According to the Vegan Society
“Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.”

Processed, pre-packaged foods and restaurant foods can still be vegan but are often not very nutritious. Items like vegan ice cream or cookies, chips, meat and cheese substitutes are high in fat, sugar and salt, as well as stuff that is difficult to pronounce. Plus, Vegans aren’t always concerned about using oil, white flour, sugar or salt.

PLANT-BASED DIET (sometimes also called Whole Food Plant Based Diet or WFPB)

Like a vegan, someone following a plant-based diet doesn’t eat or drink anything that comes from an animal.  Their diet comes from whole foods (foods that are minimally processed), including fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, raw nuts and seeds. They try not to use many (if any) processed foods. They do not eat any oil, white flour or refined sugar and try to keep the intake of salt to a minimum.


A Vegetarian diet just means no meat! It’s a simple as that – they choose to eliminate all meat from the diet. However, unlike plant-based or vegan, vegetarians generally continue to eat dairy products (eggs, milk, cheese). There is still cholesterol and saturated fat in a vegetarian diet.


  • Both Vegans and people who eat plant-based diets choose not to consume animal products.
  • Vegans often adopt this lifestyle because their love of animals and that is the main priority.
  • The focus of a plant-based diet is good health and eating foods that have been processed as little as possible.
  • There are health benefits from eating either plant-based or vegan. Plant foods do not include any cholesterol.

Curious about how to kick-off a plant-based diet?  Check out this GETTING STARTED info!

What do you think your biggest challenge might be in making the switch?

Thank you for sharing! 💚


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